Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 7 - One Week Down

Weight: 168.5

That's a 4.5 pound weight loss since Day 1, folks!!

I was hoping for a little more weight loss but for the first week, I guess this is pretty good.  I can definitely see the difference in the photos.  What do you think?

I do feel that I have more energy and Mom has commented several times that she thinks so, too.

I admit I have struggled everyday this week.  Being around others who eat in front of me is hard and oh so tempting!  My mom, bless her, eats before I get home so the temptation there is less.  This weekend, though, we'll have more people in the house and I know it will be a struggle to stay on the juicing.  But, I'm seeing the results and I REALLY want to make my goal so I'll keep at it.

Tomorrow, we're going to a farmer's market to see what we can find!  Can't wait!

Here's to my health.... and yours!!!


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