About David

Hello folks. This blog was created for myself and my sister, Dana Armstrong by Dana. Why? Well, I guess it's all my fault. What I mean is that I have had another mid-life crisis. Although, not as terrible as the first in my early 30's, it hit me hard and opened my eyes enough to want to make serious changes in my life as far as health. I am overweight and I've smoked for about 20 years. I turned 40 this last March and that for me was a turning point in my life in which I'm no longer a kid or young adult. (I know, younger than some)

I asked myself a couple questions. Do I want to be a diabetic? Do I want to have a heart attack? Do I want to go to the grave lonely and alone? Do I want my parents to outlive me? 


Well, with tears in my eyes I made a choice!! 

This blog is proof that I believe I've made the right choice (for once) to take control of my health before I have to resort to medications and doctors visits and maybe an early death. 

Dana and I are going to add posts to this page to keep us honest and true to our goal. With a little luck and support, I believe we will hit our mark. 

I invite all to watch, listen, and post your ideas and requests and those of you like me that are overweight, I challenge you to change your lifestyle for the better and not because you are not beautiful already, but because your beauty deserves to live forever.


  1. Hey David! Where are ya couz?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. There you are! I'm rooting for you both! Save the pulp of your juiced fruits and veggies for compost. The juice will taste better if you use home grown fruits and veggies ;)
    Good luck!
